Protect Yourself and Your Family From Mosquito Bites

Watch out for mosquito bites. Mosquitoes leave itchy and even painful welts after they bite and suck your blood. They are not only unpleasant and irritating. But even if these are only minuscule physical effects on you, you must be concerned. They can also be dangerous. Through them, mosquitoes spread diseases. This is why you should always protect yourself and your family to ensure a more enjoyable time outdoors. In North America, where there are a lot of humid and damp areas, about 10 percent of the 2000 species of mosquitoes live. They reproduce quickly in these areas. Pools of shallow waters are their favourite breeding grounds. The eggs mosquitoes lay here hatch fast and become adult mosquitoes which can be carriers of dangerous diseases. One of them is the heartworm disease. Heartworm larvae are transmitted to pets through mosquito bites. As its name suggests, heartworm infects the animal's hearts. It clogs it up and causes serious cardiovascular problems then death. ...